Project 4 marked the culmination of McMaster Engineering’s ENG1P13 design course. In this project, we were provided the opportunity to create innovative solutions for a client who uses a wheelchair. Our client Tiffany identified that she had anxiety about her concert planning experience, and found the experience fun but somewhat hindered by the lack of accessibility needs being met. Our goal was to create an efficient tool to help her find accessibility information about event venues so that she could enjoy events without barriers. The project was divided into two sub-teams: research and computing. Through this, our team developed WheelBeats, a progressive web app designed to provide accessible information for various venues, and upcoming events for concerts, sports, and more. Through collaborative efforts, the team successfully translated client needs into a functional solution, demonstrating the potential of technology to enhance accessibility and inclusivity in daily life.

Figure 1. Final Design

Figure 1. Final Design

Web App Prototype:

Problem Framing

Tiffany discussed her first-hand experience of attending a concert with her friend, and how she felt anxiety due to the extensive planning required and the limited accessible information available. Although she enjoyed the event, she felt as though her experience was hindered due to not being adequately accommodated. She struggled to view the stage due to the location she was sitting at and had to watch the concert through her phone instead. Tiffany shared the frustrations of searching for accessibility information on venue websites, often buried deep within multiple pages or requiring direct communication with the venue. Moreover, oftentimes the way information is presented is not accessible itself, an issue that is often overlooked as over 96% of the top one million web pages had accessibility issues in 2023. Our goal was clear: to create an efficient tool to easily help her find accessibility information about concert and event venues so that she can plan for and enjoy events with confidence and ease.